Welcome to CUPE 3771 LOCAL

We are an inclusive force for fairness, equality and justice in our workplaces and communities. We are striving to better enhance the workplace for our members.

CUPE LOCAL 3771 is proud to be the union for all workers at JobStart.

Whether you are a new or long-service member, I encourage you to visit our website regularly to find out about the latest union news, union minutes, union meetings and upcoming events. Check out our Resource section for information on connecting with your union representative protecting your rights under the collective agreement and much more about benefits and pension plans.

CUPE LOCAL 3771 is a union which listens to its members, provides outstanding union representation and negotiates contracts for the union members. Learn more about the many benefits our union offers on our website.

As a CUPE LOCAL 3771 member, you have a voice at work and the power to shape your future. Strong member participation is the key to strong contracts. Connect with your union representative. Learn about your rights. Attend union meetings and events.

Finally, if you have any questions or concerns about work then please feel free to reach out to me at selinatejani@yahoo.ca or cell phone at 647-831-0250.


Selina Tejani

Local 3771 Union President